It is also important to know
Tips to increase your sales with us


What are the penalties?

As a Jumia seller, you have agreed to the terms and conditions related to your right to sell through Jumia. In case you do not comply with these terms, Jumia will have the right to apply penalties to your account.
– The purpose of these penalties is divided into two parts:
• Protecting your customers from receiving wrong products, and always maintaining client satisfaction.
• Protecting you as a seller from losing potential sales and customers.

How are penalties applied?

How to pay?
You don’t have to pay the penalty in cash, as it is automatically deducted from your account statement on the seller center.
-Why are penalties applied?
Penalty for counterfeit products – This is applied when counterfeit products are displayed/sold on Jumia.

What is the value of the penalty?

Some tips to avoid counterfeiting!

To protect yourself and ensure you do not list counterfeit items   :

♦ Do not create exclusive brands that you are not authorized to sell .

♦ Do not create replica brands with altered spelling, for example “Chanelle” instead of “Chanel” .

♦ Do not use branded products that are not manufactured by said brand, using a Gucci logo for a non-Gucci product.

♦ Do not list genuine items while shipping counterfeits .

Documents required to sell a branded item!


In order for your restricted branded item  to be sold on JUMIA CI you must provide the following documents: 

♦ either a brand operating license agreement signed and sealed by both parties (the brand and the seller);

♦ either a distribution contract (exclusive or non-exclusive) signed and sealed by both parties (the brand and the seller);

♦ either a certificate of authenticity of the product or article bearing the logo and stamp of the brand issuing said certificate;

♦ either an invoice with stamp ( 0 to 3 months max for small stocks of items and 0 to 6 months max for large stocks ) from the brand or the authorized reseller of the brand, bearing the name of the seller or the name of the seller’s store.

 In the case of invoices from authorized resellers we will need:

♦ A copy of the brand’s distribution certificate attached to the invoice or, failing a distribution certificate, an email from the brand telling us that the reseller is approved in its accounts or is a sub-reseller of its approved reseller.

The consequences of selling fake or counterfeit items on Jumia

Our reputation depends on that of our sellers. Therefore, if an item created breaks the trust of our customers, it poses risks to our entire market .

As a reminder, Jumia applies the following procedures:

♦ 120,000 Frs penalty after detection of a counterfeit or fake item.

♦ Following a second case of counterfeiting , your store will be charged again and permanently closed .

NB: Jumia will be fully transparent with legal authorities in any investigation into alleged trademark violations on the site, and will comply with the law in any proceedings.

In addition to that, if the seller score drops below 3.0, you will have an additional “contribution to low seller score” which is an additional % to be applied to your account statement’s commission on a weekly basis.

Do you have any objections to the penalty? Don’t worry, we are here to help.

– Raise a claim: From Here
